Ha ho tluoa tabeng ea thepa ea marulelo, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) e nkoa e le khetho e tummeng bakeng sa ho tšoarella ha eona, ho khoneha le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo.Har'a likhetho tse fapaneng tse fumanehang, ASALithaele tsa marulelo a PVCkapa lithaele tsa marulelo a PVC li fetohile khetho ea pele bakeng sa beng ba matlo le litsebi.Ho blog ena re tla hlahloba melemo e mengata ea ho sebelisa lithaele tsa marulelo tsa ASA PVC bakeng sa litlhoko tsohle tsa hau tsa marulelo.
Nako e telele le bophelo bo bolelele:
E 'ngoe ea melemo e hlahelletseng eaLithaele tsa PVC tsa ASAke ho tšoarella ha tsona ho ikhethang.Lithaele tsena li etselitsoe ho mamella maemo a leholimo a feteletseng joalo ka pula ea litloebelele, moea o matla esita le sefako.Ho eketsa ASA (Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate) ho thepa ea PVC ho ntlafatsa ho hanyetsa ha eona UV, ho thibela ho fela le ho lelefatsa bophelo ba lithaele.Nako ena ea nako e telele e tiisa hore marulelo a hau a tla lula a tiile 'me a shebahala a le motle ka lilemo tse tlang.
Mefuta e mengata le boiketlo ba ho kenya:
E fumaneha ka mefuta e fapaneng ea meralo, setaele le mebala, lithaele tsa marulelo tsa ASA PVC li na le mefuta e mengata ebile li loketse mekhoa e fapaneng ea meralo.Hore na o rata ponahalo ea setso kapa ea sejoale-joale, ho na le likhetho tse fapaneng tseo u ka khethang ho tsona.Ho feta moo, mofuta o bobebe oa lithaele tsa marulelo a PVC li etsa hore ho be bonolo ho li sebetsana nakong ea ho kenya.Sena ha se fokotse feela nako e akaretsang e hlokahalang bakeng sa ho kenya, empa hape e fokotsa kotsi ea likotsi kapa likotsi nakong ea ho rulela.
Ha ho bapisoa le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa marulelo, lithaelese tsa ASA PVC tsa marulelo li na le chelete e ngata haholo.Theko ea eona e theko e tlaase, hammoho le ho tšoarella ha eona ho holimo, e pholosa beng ba matlo litšenyehelong tsa ho lokisa le ho e ncha ka nako e telele.Lithaele tsena li hloka tlhokomelo e fokolang, ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea tsona ea litšenyehelo, ho etsa hore e be tse loketseng batho ba amehileng ka lichelete ba batlang tharollo e tšepahalang ea marulelo.
Matla a matla:
Ka tlhokomelo e ntseng e eketseha ea matla a matla le ts'ireletso ea tikoloho, lithaele tsa marulelo a ASA PVC li fa beng ba matlo khetho e sebetsang hantle.Lithaele tsena li na le lintho tse ikhethang tse bonahatsang mocheso tse thusang ho boloka lehae la hau le pholile matsatsing a lehlabula a chesang.Ka hona, sena se fokotsa tlhokahalo ea mekhoa ea ho pholisa ka maiketsetso, ho boloka matla le litšenyehelo.Ka ho khetha lithaele tsa marulelo a ASA PVC, u ka kenya letsoho ho fokotsa khase ea hau ea carbon le ho khothalletsa mekhoa ea ho haha motala.
E na le tikoloho:
PVC ke thepa e ka sebelisoang hape 'me lithaele tsa marulelo tsa ASA PVC le tsona li joalo.Bokhoni ba ho tsosolosa lithaele tsena qetellong ea bophelo ba tsona ba bohlokoa bo tiisa hore ha li felle moo ho qhalloang mobu, ho fokotsa tšilafalo ea tikoloho.Ho feta moo, ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso ea lithaele tsa marulelo a ASA PVC e kenyelletsa mesi e fokolang ho feta lisebelisoa tse ling tsa marulelo, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e tsitsitseng bakeng sa batho ba hlokomelang tikoloho.
Ha re phethela:
Lithaele tsa marulelo a ASA PVC li fana ka mefuta e mengata ea melemo e etsang hore e be khetho e ntle bakeng sa tharollo ea marulelo.Ho tšoarella ha tsona, ho feto-fetoha ha maemo, le katleho ea tsona li etsa hore e be khetho e holimo bakeng sa beng ba matlo le litsebi ka ho tšoana.Ntle le moo, ts'ebetso ea matla le botsoalle ba tikoloho ea lithaele tsa marulelo tsa ASA PVC li kopana le litlhoko tse ntseng li hola tsa mekhoa e tsitsitseng ea kaho.Ka ho nahana ka lithaele tsa marulelo tsa ASA PVC bakeng sa litlhoko tsa hau tsa marulelo, u tsetela tharollong e tšoarellang nako e telele, e khahlisang ka botle le tikoloho.
Nako ea poso: Jul-19-2023